Trinity Speech/Debate and Bible
"Since then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things." Colossians 3:1-2

Friday, August 26, 2011

This week

I am in the process of sending all the parents links to their student's Edmodo page.  Everyone should have them by Monday.  Also, grades will be updated on Edline by the end of the day on Monday.

9th Grade Bible:  So far this week we have looked at the Church Discipline and started examining those Christian symbols (the cross and the Bible).  There is a long term Bible project due at the end of September. 

8th grade Intro to Forensics:  This week, we have finished up our Original Oratory and will begin practicing and memorizing next week. As soon as we have the OO down, then we will begin on other IE events.  Your student, beginning Sept. 1st will be required to find a news article and turn in a summary each week.  This will be a 10 point quiz grade each week for the rest of the semester.

Forensics:  Schedule have been released!  The 1st tournament is a Novice on Sept. 17 and then the Samford Tournament is the following weekend.  Students should start getting ready with their debate and IE pieces.

7th grade Public Speaking:  We will start research on their informative speech the middle of next week.  The students will choose their topic on Monday.

Have a great weekend!