Trinity Speech/Debate and Bible
"Since then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things." Colossians 3:1-2

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Week 5!

I hope everyone had a great Labor Day holiday. 
We have jumped in with both feet this morning and have hit the ground running.

9th grade Bible:
We are working through some major questions in Christianity.  Today we tackled an overview of Is there an absolute truth?  And how do you prove God and Christianity are real? Big issues for the Tuesday after a holiday!  Great discussion was had. It may prompt some dinner table discussion at some point.
Be sure to check grades on Edmodo.  Everything is graded up to this point.  If something is not turned in, it needs to be before next Monday when edline will be updated again.

8th grade Intro to Forensics:
We are working on memorizing our Original Oratories.  These should be memorized by the end of next week.  We will take a couple of days in class this week to work on it, but then we will be moving on to other Individual Events and Debate.

7th grade Public Speaking:
Today we begin researching our informative speech and learning organizational patterns.  We should be finished writing our speeches by the end of next week.

High School Forensics: 
The Novice tournament is NEXT week:  Sept. 17th.  We need to get pieces in binders this week and work on memorization.  The Samford tournament is the following week, and those debating need to start working on their cases if they haven't already.